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Project description:

  • Visit to the customer to learn the factory’s needs and characterize the existing station.
  • Flow rate test (compressed air energy survey) and preparation of a detailed report with conclusions and recommendations, including an energy savings forecast.
  • Preparation of a relevant quotation with all components recommended for the customer.
  • Preparation of a plan for system installation including an installation drawing, a list of parts, and instructions for the installation team.
  • Installation of the new equipment including a complete change of component connections in the room, with emphasis on workmanship and use of high-quality parts, to achieve optimal efficiency and operational state.


After upgrading from a 60 hp (45 kW) fixed speed compressor to a 50 hp (37 kW) model ELCD50INV with permanent magnet inverter technology manufactured by EL-AV Compressors Ltd, the difference could be seen immediately – from significant energy savings to AN improved operational state of the station. From the station’s operational aspect, for example, the main dryer that wasn’t functioning before the compressor upgrade, letting large quantities of water into the plant air piping, began to work properly, for two main reasons: use of suitable filters, independent water discharge at several points, and entry of air into the dryer at significantly lower temperatures, thus improving the dryer’s ability to do its job, as well as savings already in the first hours of the compressor’s work with a significant difference evident in electricity consumption. Hourly savings is currently estimated at 17 to 20 kW per hour total savings. According to the customer’s electricity costs, average annual savings is in the range of 14,200$ to 16,700$.

El-AV Compressors.

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El-AV Compressors.

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Service and support

Our service and support team is available at all hours of the day and throughout the year. EL-AV Compressors’ service concept gives customers both quick response time and high-quality, professional service.

Engineering and projects

EL-AV Compressors has an advanced engineering department that enables us to make complex projects accessible to customers throughout the project chain – from characterization, design and execution, until handing over the keys.

Consulting and providing solutions

Our team will be glad to assist you in any technical questions on a variety of issues, and offer consulting from the engineering, sales or technical-engineering team.

Complementary products

EL-AV Compressors offers a wide variety of complementary products for compressed air systems such as equipment for energy savings, instruments for measuring and monitoring air status, nitrogen generators, oxygen generators, hydrogen generators, vacuum pumps, chillers, and many more.

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El-AV Compressors.

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